Selain itu soal-soal ini diharapkan dapat membantu siswa dalam ulangan harian, uas, dan lain-lain.

In contrast to Pramoedya’s earlier works, they were written in a plain, fast-paced narrative style.Contoh Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 1 K13 Beserta Jawaban diperuntukkan bagi siswa SMA/SMK/MA/MAK/Sederajat sebagai persiapan menghadapi pekan ujian tengah semester satu/PTS. These late works comprehensively depict Javanese society under Dutch colonial rule in the early 20th century.

Two of these, Bumi manusia (1980 This Earth of Mankind) and Anak semua bangsa (1980 Child of All Nations), met with great critical and popular acclaim in Indonesia after their publication, but the government subsequently banned them from circulation, and the last two volumes of the tetralogy, Jejak langkah (1985 Footsteps) and Rumah kaca (1988 House of Glass), had to be published abroad. During his imprisonment he wrote a series of four historical novels that further enhanced his reputation. As a result, he was jailed by the army in the course of its bloody suppression of a communist coup in 1965. By 1962 he had become closely aligned with communist-sponsored cultural groups. In these early works Pramoedya evolved a rich prose style that incorporated Javanese everyday speech and images from classical Javanese culture.īy the late 1950s Pramoedya had become sympathetic toward the Indonesian Communist Party, and after 1958 he abandoned fiction for essays and cultural criticism that reflect a left-wing viewpoint. The sketches in Tjerita dari Djakarta (1957 “Tales of Jakarta”) examine the strains and injustices Pramoedya perceived within Indonesian society after independence had been achieved. The short stories collected in Subuh (1950 “Dawn”) and Pertjikan revolusi (1950 “Sparks of Revolution”) are set during the Indonesian Revolution, while those in Tjerita dari Blora (1952 “Tales of Bora”) depict Javanese provincial life in the period of Dutch rule. The novel Keluarga gerilja (1950 “Guerrilla Family”) chronicles the tragic consequences of divided political sympathies in a Javanese family during the Indonesian Revolution against Dutch rule, while Mereka jang dilumpuhkan (1951 “The Paralyzed”) depicts the odd assortment of inmates Pramoedya became acquainted with in the Dutch prison camp. After Indonesian independence was recognized by the Netherlands in 1949, Pramoedya produced a stream of novels and short stories that established his reputation.